Sunday 28 May 2017

Exposing NCMEC (The National Center For Missing & Exploited Children)(Part 1)

Flooded with too much information and the inability to organize it in a timely manner has lead me up to this point.
That and lack of communication amongst peers and social groups.
There are mistakes we must learn from if we seek to help ourselves and children against this sinister and evil plot.

NCMEC has connections to Ur, Chaldea, #DonutGate, and what I will not coin #PastryGate.

When one sees what #Shewbread is one can better understand why #PizzaGate and Donuts factor into this pedophile-cannibal cult that extends back to Sumeria and beyond.

I got in contact with The Honeybee, and I wanted to make it clear at this point I only bring out this information concerning honeybee code so we can all better understand what is going on in relation to NCMEC and the Ur Sumerian "Bee" connections to this.

In this beyonce video there is a part where a pastry is thrown out the window.
A "honeybun"
Black cube
a 50 cent honey bun

the goldbug is the locust biblically speaking 

I wanted to get all the honeybee imagery together because it does in fact tie back into PizzaGate.
Now this is the code that is most important.
Pizza - Doughnuts - Honeybee and APE
So ape in italian is BEE .... and the pizza connection 
Comet pizza also has the ape - bee code

Donnie Darko time portal .... black cube 

to be continued

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