Tuesday, 28 March 2017


The Mystery of the Showbread

The loaves of bread in the Tabernacle allude to unifications in the spiritual worlds.

Advanced Advanced

The portion of the Torah read this week discusses the architecture and vessels of the Tabernacle, including the Table and the Showbread(Ex. 25:23-30) The details of the Showbread are given in parashat Emor. (Lev. 24:5-9)
[We will now discuss] the mystery of the Showbread, i.e. the twelve loaves that were always warm.
The loaves were baked on Friday, placed on the Table on the Shabbat, and eaten by the priests the following Shabbat. Miraculously, they stayed fresh for the whole week. (Menachot 96b)
You already know that above there are several types of couplings, which are [all] metaphorically referred to as "eating", as in the mystical meaning of the verse, "Eat, beloved ones". (Songs 5:1)
Eating is a euphemism for sexual relations….
Eating is a euphemism for sexual relations. Thus, we find that when Potiphar made Joseph in charge of his household and business affairs, "He left all that he had in Joseph's care, and with him in charge, he concerned himself with nothing except the bread he ate." (Gen. 39:6) Rashi comments: "This means his wife." And indeed, Joseph says when Potiphar's wife propositions him, "He has denied me nothing but you, being his wife." (ibid. 39:9)
Similarly, when Jethro heard that Moses had saved his daughters from a shepherd, he said to them, "Why did you leave the man [there]? Call him [here], and let him eat bread." (Ex. 2:20) Rashi comments: "Perhaps he will marry one of you," as Moses indeed did, as we are told in the next verse: "He gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses."
The verse quoted above is from the Song of Songs, the love poem between G‑d and Israel.
As to why eating should be a metaphor for sexual relations…
Now, the coupling of Abba and Imma is affected by the mazalof the beard of Arich Anpin. The numerical value of the word for "bread" [in Hebrew, "lechem", which has a numerical value of 78] is the same as that of the Aramaic word for mazal ["mazla"].
"Lechem" is spelled: lamed-chet-mem = 30 + 8 + 40 = 78.
"Mazla" is spelled: mem-lamed-zayin-alef = 40 + 30 + 7 + 1 = 78.
Divine consciousness…is channeled through the beard of Arich Anpin….
In order for a couple to unite in marital relations, there must be some inspiration that descends upon them from above. In the case of Abba and Imma, this inspiration is a spark of divine consciousness that descends upon them from the preceding parztufArich Anpin, the will. Specifically, it is channeled through the beard of Arich Anpin, which, as we have discussed previously, subdivides into 13 "tufts", which in turn correspond to G‑d's 13 Attributes of Mercy. These attributes are called "mazalot" (pl. of "mazal"), meaning "channel of flow", since the root of "mazal" is nun-zayin-lamed, which means "to flow". Thus, the zodiacal signs are also called "mazalot", since they channel the divine beneficence into the natural world.
In other words, the will to live and enhance life is the motivation for Abba and Imma to couple. In prosaic terms, we might say that a couple can engage in marital relations either as an expression of love for each other or of their desire to become parents together. When focusing on the latter intention, their coupling is like that of Abba and Imma ("father" and "mother"), and the inspiration they draw upon to unite in this way comes from their own precedent, or parents. (The former intention is represented by the coupling of Zeir Anpin and Nukva.)
The names of the partzufim are in Aramaic, taken from the Zohar, as is this concept of mazal. That is why the numerical analysis uses the Aramaic term "mazla" rather than the Hebrew "mazal".
(The text refers to Arich Anpin by the Zoharic term Atika, not to be confused with the partzuf of Atik Yomin.)
[This mazal] is the sixth [of the thirteen], and [the letter representing the number 6, vav] is spelled out by doubling itself with anothervav. These [two 6's] are manifest as the twelve loaves, arranged in two arrays of six each. They also manifest the two lettershei [of the name Havayah], whose numerical value when spelled out also equals twelve.
Coupling is referred to as heat….
One of the ways the letter vav, the third letter of the name Havayah, can be spelled out is vav-vav. These two vav's represent the two arrays of six loaves arranged on the Table.
The letter hei appears as the second and fourth letter of the name Havayah. One of the ways it can be spelled out is hei-alef; the numerical value of this combination is 5 + 1 = 6. So, the two hei's again give us two sets of six.
These twelve [loaves] derive from the three names Havayahpresent in the [said] mazal, which [together] comprise 12 letters.
The numerical value of these three names Havayah is the same as the numerical values of the words for "bread" and "mazal".
Yud-hei-vav-hei: 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26. 3 x 26 = 78.
Since Abba and Imma couple continuously, this bread, i.e. themazal that motivates them to couple, must be continuously on the table, as it is written, "[and you shall place] showbread on the Table before Me continuously." (Ex. 25:30)
For this reason also it was always warm, as it is written, "to place warm bread on the day it is taken off." (Samuel I 21:7) [It was always warm] to indicate that [the mazal, too,] is always warm, arousing the continuous supernal coupling [of Abba and Imma].
The Levite…exhibits no strict judgment….
Warmth and heat, in the vernacular also, are metaphors for sexual arousal. Rabbi Wolf Ashkenazi notes here that some texts add: "We find that coupling is referred to as 'heat', as it is written, '…whenever the flock are in heat.'" (Gen. 30:41)
[Only] the priests [were allowed to] eat this bread. This is because the priests manifested chochma, the beginning, the High Priest of all the ten sefirot.
The right axis of the sefirotic array alludes to the three types of priests: chochma to the High priest, chesed to the regular priests, and netzach to the assistant [segan] priests. The left side of the sefirotic tree alludes to the Levites(See Sha'ar Ma'amarei Rashbi on the Idra, Zohar III:131b) The priests, who officiated at the sacrificial rites in the Temple, channeled the divine benficence downward to the people, and thus manifested the attribute of chesed, G‑d's lovingkindness. The Levites, in contrast, accompanied the Temple service with music, arousing the emotions of the people and focusing their consciousness upward, on G‑d. This ascent is an attribute of gevura, G‑d's strict judgment, for any ascent implies a transcedence or rejection of the lower level one is ascending out of.
Through this you may understand the meaning of the phrase: "The Levite Priests…" (Joshua 3:3) We see, in fact, that the Torah sometimes calls the Levites "priests", as it is written, "They will approach the priests, the children of Levi," (Deut. 21:5) and the like. The reason for this is that the archetypes for the priests and the Levites are chochma and bina, respectively. Since, as we have said, [these two sefirot] never part, the Levite on this level is "sweetened", i.e. [he exhibits] no strict judgment. He therefore is closely allied to the priests, and they all exist together, as one.
But below, [in their physical manifestation], the Levites manifest strict severity. They therefore cannot connect with the priests[as they do in their spiritual archetype]. This is why the showbread is eaten only by the priests, who manifest chochma.

Translated and adapted by Moshe-Yaakov Wisnefsky from Sefer HaLikutim; subsequently published in "Apples From the Orchard."
Reprinted with permission from Chabad of California. Copyright 2004 by Chabad of California, Inc. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work or portions thereof, in any form, without permission, in writing, from Chabad of California, Inc.

Thursday, 23 March 2017


Subjects say scandal was hell

  •  2000-08-17
  •  Jorgen Johansson
RIGA - Chairman of the parliamentary investigative commission on 
pedophilia, Janis Adamsons, said after the close of the investigation 
that he was disappointed with the prosecutor's work.
"First of all, the prosecutor who researched Skele, Birkavs and Sonciks 
did not do his job properly," Adamsons said. "For instance, nobody 
revealed that there was a case against these three."
The Prosecutor Gene-ral's Office closed the pedophilia investigation
 against former Prime Minister Andris Skele, former Justice Minister 
Valdis Birkavs and State Revenue Service's director general Andrejs 
Sonciks Aug. 1 because of a lack of evidence. All information received 
by the parliament's investigative commission on these three has been
 invented and is false, the prosecutor's office reported.
Skele and Sonciks said Adamsons abused his responsibility in making
 the accusations.
Adamsons does not want to take any blame for the closing of the 
investigation. Rather, he accused witnesses for not being honest in their 
"All the witnesses have lied to the commission," Adamsons said. 
"It's absurd, they all have different nationalities and come from different 
social groups."
However, Adamsons predicted two possible scenarios in the near future.
"The first is to try and press criminal charges against me. Still, it is very 
difficult," Adamsons said. "The second is for Modris Adlers of the 
General Prosecutor's Office to announce that all the witnesses lied to the 
According to Adamsons, he has sent the prosecutor more than enough 
proof to convict Skele, Birkavs and Sonciks.
"Among the evidence are fivevideo tapes showing time, places, 
locations, people and cars," Adamsons said.
When pressed to answer more precisely when, where and who, 
Adamsons said he actually meant five video- taped testimonies. Still, 
he also hinted he had additional evidence up his sleeve.
"I don't want to show all my cards," Adamsons said. " I think there will be 
a new investigative commission."
Skele told The Baltic Times that Adamsons' speech in Parliament in 
February, when he named Skele, Birkavs and Sonciks among others as child abusers, was very unpleasant.
"I don't doubt that what he was doing was a crime," Skele said. 
"The legislation gives huge protection to the MPs, but along with that 
comes a great responsibility."
Sonciks said he would not wish it upon his worst enemy to go through 
what he did.
"I am most bothered by what my children, parents and wife had to go 
through," Sonciks said.
Skele criticized Adamsons' investigation and said he never had any 
"These people that Adamsons used as witnesses have all said how 
everything happened, and they have all said why they have done this to 
the country," Skele said. "They have all said that they don't know anything 
about this case."
When the news first spread about the pedophilia scandal in Latvia, 
the international press flocked to the feeding frenzy.
"I don't think that the responsible part of society ever thought the prime 
minister or the justice minister had done what Adamsons accused us 
of," Skele said. "But of course, what he did has caused great damage."
Sonciks said Adamsons undoubtedly has damaged the image of 
Latvia around the world.
"In my opinion, Adamsons has caused the greatest evil to himself by 
showing he can't solve a very serious question of children's rights 
without looking after his own interests and dirty little games," 
Sonciks said.
Skele said he is now willing to move on, and that he is looking 
forward to continue working in Parliament.
"The right wing coalition in Parliament has many fundamental
 tasks," Skele said. "We have a lot of work to do."
After Adamsons' February speech in Parliament, the then Minister 
of Justice Valdis Birkavs told media he would go on a hunger 
strike until Adamsons would present all his evidence. 
Today Birkavs just wants to keep a low profile.
Birkavs said he didn't wish to make any comments.
"I am not linked at all to this case," Birkavs said.
Adamsons still doesn't want the investigators to have the last word.
"Most of the MPs are not happy about the prosecutor's decision,"
 Adamsons said. "They believed more in the commission."
Although Skele accepts the prosecutor's decision, he thinks some 
questions will never be answered.
"I think only with time, or maybe never, will we know why this was 
done to our country," Skele said. "I don't think we will never know 
who invented this story."
Sonciks is of the firm belief that MPs will hang Adamsons out to dry.
"Of course, MPs will vote for giving him over for criminal prosecution," 
Sonciks said. "In law-abiding states, which Latvia is trying to be, 
people like Adamsons too should understand they will have to answer 
for what they say and do."
Janis Maizitis, general prosecutor, is currently trying to shine some
 light on the situation. In a written request he has asked Parliament's 
permission to prosecute Adamsons for intentionally spreading insulting 
and slandering statements about Skele, Birkavs and Sonciks.
"As a result of these activities, he has caused considerable damage 
to the state and to the legally protected rights and interests of persons, 
causing serious consequences," reported a representative of the 
General Prosecutor's Office.
Sonciks said the most important question now is how to resolve the 
criminal case against Adamsons.
"I don't exclude the possibility of issuing a civil slander lawsuit against 
Adamsons," Sonciks said.
According to the General Prosecutor's Office, Adamsons' statements 
have qualified as a criminal offense according to Latvia's criminal law. 
There are also criminal cases initiated against those who gave false
 testimonies during the pre-trial investigation.


Latvian PM denies pedophilia accusations

Latvia's political and justice system were thrown into disarray yesterday, when the head of a parliamentary commission said witnesses had mentioned the names of Prime Minister Andris Skele and other top officials in connection with a major pedophilia scandal, accusations the Prime Minister strongly denied.
Lawmaker Janis Adamsons told parliament that witnesses had mentioned Mr. Skele, Justice Minister Valdis Birkavs and State Revenue Service Director Andrejs Sonciks as possibly having links to the scandal, commission member Dzintars Raznacs said.
Mr. Skele dismissed the accusations as a malicious provocation and said he would consider taking legal action.
"What has been said today has done serious damage to the state," Mr. Skele told reporters. "It was done with malicious intent, but we will get to the bottom of it and those behind it."
Mr. Birkavs has asked the prosecutor-general's office to open a criminal investigation into the accusations of criminal behaviour made without evidence.
The Baltic News Service quoted senior prosecutor Biruta Ulpe as saying that the Latvian prosecutor's office had no evidence supporting Mr. Adamsons's allegations.
Mr. Birkavs, a former prime minister and one of Latvia's leading legal scholars, has also decided to go on a hunger strike to speed up the legal action needed to clear his name.
Last summer, Latvian police busted a child pornography ring, which subsequently took on political overtones after investigative journalists revealed that some of the children had been forced into prostitution and claimed to have had sex with government officials.
The Latvian prosecutor-general initially dismissed the accusations, but was forced to open an inquiry after it was revealed that potential suspects in the case had put pressure on witnesses.
Several people have been detained in connection with the case, but parliament opened a separate investigation after expressing doubts about the prosecutor-general's commitment to pursue the case.
Both Mr. Skele and Mr. Birkavs speculated the accusations were aired to destabilize the government, but said it would not be successful.
"These baseless actions without evidence targeted at the government are damaging, but we will come out of it stronger," Mr. Birkavs told journalists.
Lawmakers were divided over the possible political fallout of the accusations aired yesterday, but a leading political observer said the government was unlikely to be toppled.
"The aim of the provocation has been to smear people so the government couldn't go on any more and would resign, but I don't think it will work," said Aivars Ozolins, a columnist with the leading daily newspaper Diena.
"Having not found any credible criminal evidence, they are playing on people's prejudices," he said. "Adamsons has never been careful in making a distinction between criminal activity and different sexual orientations."
The scandal has already claimed one political victim: Prosecutor-General Janis Skrastins resigned on Jan. 3 after lawmakers lost confidence in his handling of the case and started the process to remove him from office.
Mr. Adamsons himself is also fighting to save his political career. Proceedings have been started to strip him of his parliamentary seat because he served in the Soviet border guard, formally a division of the KGB, and Latvian law prohibits former KGB staff from holding political office.


3 Top Latvians Are Named in Investigation of Pedophilia

Baltics: Prime minister is among the accused. But panel hasn't 'uncovered anything concrete' to back up charges, a member says.

MOSCOW — Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga described it as a black day for her country: Three top officials, including the prime minister, were named in connection with a pedophilia case this week, and one of them, Justice Minister Valdis Birkavs, immediately began a hunger strike in protest.
But amid a flurry of scandalous accusations and counter-accusations, a member of a special parliamentary commission investigating pedophilia and child pornography said Friday that there is no direct evidence implicating the officials.
The chairman of the commission, Janis Adamsons, caused an uproar Thursday when he linked Birkavs, Prime Minister Andris Skele and Andrejs Sonciks, director of the State Revenue Service, to a pedophilia case during a report to Parliament. He claimed that army and police officers also were involved.
In a move that reflects the confusion surrounding the issue, the Latvian prosecutor general's office simultaneously opened a criminal investigation into the pedophilia accusations against the officials and a case against Adamsons on charges of slandering the three.
Ugis Salna, a spokesman for the prime minister, on Friday dismissed the claims as a political smear. "This dirty mudslinging was not exactly a surprise to us. We were kind of prepared for something nasty," Salna said. "But this attack--this charge--is not only nasty, it is absurd."
Helena Soldatyonoka, a member of the parliamentary commission, said Friday that the panel had not uncovered any concrete evidence.
"Frankly, we don't have any direct evidence or direct witnesses," she said in an interview with The Times. "It is true that during our investigation the names of [the prime minister and justice minister] came up. But we haven't uncovered anything concrete that would implicate these officials."
Skele, the owner of a prominent food-manufacturing company, came to power in July to lead the country's eighth government in as many years. He immediately declared that his main priorities were to see Latvia join the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Many of the country's politicians have expressed dismay that Latvia's international image may be seriously tainted as a result of the scandal.
Declaring the case a malicious provocation, Skele said it has seriously damaged the country. But while Vike-Freiberga agreed that the allegations have blackened Latvia's international image, she warned Thursday against dismissing the accusations without a full investigation, saying it would be untenable to have clouds of suspicion hanging over the nation's leaders.
"It is not enough to say there is no evidence," she said. "If there is such, it must be carefully assessed."
Latvian police uncovered a child pornography and prostitution racket in August during a raid on an apparel company. They arrested five suspects, and prosecutors subsequently uncovered evidence that as many as 2,000 children may have been abused.
After media reports linking top Latvian officials to the case, the parliamentary commission was established in September to dig further.
"We talked to many people--mostly friends of victims, and witnesses who were too afraid or too shy to testify," commission member Soldatyonoka said. "We received many phone calls from parents who didn't want their children to testify. They don't want [to be part of] this investigation, for fear their children's names might become public. They are confused and ashamed, you see."
Gundars Berzins, head of the People's Party faction in Parliament, which is associated with the prime minister, said the accusations were an effort by Adamsons to damage his political opponents. He said the scandal has not affected the stability of Latvia's coalition government, expressing certainty that the three coalition parties would vote together if they where tested in a confidence vote.
Adamsons has been accused of working for the Soviet-era KGB and faces court action that could strip him of his parliamentary seat. Under Latvian law, anyone who worked for the KGB is banned from holding political office.
Sergei L. Loiko of The Times' Moscow Bureau contributed to this report.

Friday, 10 March 2017



Has the quick-fired pizza bubble burst? One domino has fallen, as Toppers Pizza has closed its four Chicago locations. The chain is based in Wisconsin. A fifth location in Illinois, in DeKalb, has also closed.
Toppers PR has been circulating a statement attributed to founder and president Scott Gittrich who claimed the chain will return to the Illinois market “under the right circumstances.” The company’s franchise page still lists the Chicago market as a possible destination for new locations.
“We are extremely grateful for the fine Toppers Pizza team members who embodied our core values and culture,” the statement read. “We have spoken with all of them and let them know about opportunities to continue their Toppers journey at any of our other locations.”
There are 25 Toppers operating in Wisconsin, plus locations in nine other states. The chain expanded to Chicago in 2012. They had locations in the South Loop, West Loop, Wrigleyville, and DeKalb.
The chain stayed open late. Fret not, LeBron James’ favorite pizza chain, Blaze Pizza continues to operate. Though the models are different, fans of Toppers can likely find a similar experience at Blaze’s four Chicago and nine suburban locations.
The decision to leave Illinois was especially personal for the company. Though the company is based in Wisconsin, the first Toppers debuted in 1991 in Champaign. DNAinfo first reported that Toppers was withdrawing from Chicago.



The sweet smell of baking bread that once lured people into a quaint bakery in Sudbury’s Little Italy has transformed into a recipe for success for the Toppazzini family.

Topper's Pizza is one of the province’s fastest growing pizza franchises with a new concept restaurant set to open in its hometown by year's end and a goal to open 225 franchises across Ontario in seven years.

“When growth starts it seems to take on a momentum of its own, and certainly when that happens, you have to hold on tight,” said Keith Toppazzini, president and chief operating officer of Topper's Pizza based in Barrie.

The story begins more than a century ago when Giuseppi Toppazzini left his hometown in northern Italy destined for small town Canada. He arrived in Sudbury, as legend has it, with no more than a bread recipe in hand.

He opened Toppazzini’s Bakery in the working class neighbourhood of Copper Cliff, which his son Guerino (Bruce) took over and operated until 1970. The celebrated bread recipe was passed down from generation to generation until it reached Ron Toppazzini, grandson of Giuseppi and founder of Topper's.

Ron was a master baker by trade and when he lost his job at Bonimart’s bakery, that family entrepreneurial spirit was reignited. He opened the first storefront on Notre Dame Avenue in 1982 and within nine years the company grew to nine pizzerias.

Sons Kelly and Keith took over the business when their father retired and with a strong focus on franchise and business development, they’ve since expanded beyond Sudbury.
“Dad took the business where he wanted it to be,” said Kelly, who is based in Sudbury.   

"As soon as I graduated from university, my sersonal goal was to ensure the Toppers brand was there for another 100 years. My secondary goal was to expand across Canada."

There are a total of 35 Topper's Pizza stores in Ontario, with 28 stores located outside of Sudbury including Hamilton and Kitchener-Waterloo. There’s also interest to open franchises outside the province, the brothers said.

The company’s first “fast casual” 75-seat restaurant is scheduled to open before the end of the year in Chelmsford, an outlying suburb of Sudbury, located adjacent to an existing store.

“The focus of the restaurant is to have the same flavourful food we offer for delivery and carry-out but enjoy it in the restaurant,” said Keith.

Patrons will have the option to select from prepared menu items on display or sit down and order from a server.

The concept will be another franchise model of Topper's Pizza.

“I grew up on hamburgers and hotdogs,” said Keith, who refers to his children’s generation as “sushi eaters.”

He realizes the younger generation today has a more refined palate than he did as an adolescent.

We focus on the recipes, the specialty pizzas, everything from cutting our pepperoni 25 per cent thicker to having a family recipe, we’re heading in a direction we believe will be successful,” said Keith.

Ontario is a competitive market when it comes to pizza franchises. Consumers are inundated with brands from mom-and-pop-type pizzerias to national chains. So how does Topper's Pizza stay afloat in what seems to be a market flooded not only with pizzerias but other more sophisticated food options? 

“There’s a lot of competition in the pizza industry and there’s a lot of competition in the franchising industry,” said Kelly. “So it’s a doubleedged sword. But at the same time, our core values seems to be something that resonates with people.”

Respect, hard work and maintaining family values in the business world are important to the Toppazzini brothers.

Making a tasty pizza is another key ingredient to success.

“Some companies may focus on a budget, we focus on flavour,” said Keith. “We just had a planning session and we’re looking at four new recipes coming up.”

Over the summer Topper's Pizza was featured on an episode of the Food Network’s “Giving You the Business” where four Topper's manager-contestants were given the chance to win their own franchise. 

Outside of reality TV spotlight, the business is very much involved in the community, sponsoring charities and leading school fundraisers and reading programs.

“The community is very important to us,” said Kelly.